✍The First Page: Kiss My Boots by Jennifer Learmont


 Kiss My Boots

by Jennifer Learmont


My commitment to eating healthy was only equaled by my desire for cocaine…

Setting out on an adventure to the USA with my best friend, we had no plans, no rules and no limits. It started in the wild 80’s in Hollywood, LA and the spread across the ’90’s, fueled by drugs, sex, rock n roll. We met the people who later became famous actors, musicians, singers. I took some risks, made mistakes and lived through them; I was one of the lucky ones.

For 14 years I worked as a Dominatrix in Hollywood. 

I was a natural and loved the work. My clients included a US General, Top Surgeons, Politicians, High Court Judges and VIPs. There is a grey side to my work, and no one really knows what goes on behind the dungeon doors.

I married a charming, captivating Italian/American criminal and lived a dangerous life, involved in crime, drugs and crazy choices where I almost lost my life. My turning point came the day I walked into the Sanctuary of an Interdenominational Church. I loved it so much I joined the gospel choir and took up yoga. 

Now I was a dominatrix, yoga student singing in a gospel choir. 

Eventually, and exhausted, I returned to Australia permanently to set up my own yoga studio and started to build a new life away from a blurred past. I was a wild and fearless child with a kind compassionate heart and a determination to live my life to the full, regardless of any cost. 

“A spectacular life journey of a woman filled by verve and passion for life and who found her place far from where she thought it was going to be…sensitively written and thoughtful reflection of an explorative youth…wonderful…” Tara, Indiebooks reviewer

Publisher: Shawline Publishing, March 15, 2022 

Formats: Paperback, 170 pages, $7.42; E-Book/Kindle, 240 pages, $5.99; ISBN-978-1922594709 and ISBN-13-978-1922594709. Available for purchase at: https://www.amazon.com/Kiss-My-Boots-Jennifer-Learmont-ebook/dp/B09S9Y7JX7 as well as Walmart, barnesandnoble.com, abebooks.com, Alibris, booktopia.com.au, thriftbooks.com and bookshop.org

Publisher web link: https://www.shawlinepublishing.com.au/search/?query=kiss+my+boots




I woke up early this morning just like I do most mornings and stretched my body, inhaling deeply and slowly expelling a relaxed breath; a new day was beginning.

After practicing some yoga and drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice, I headed fur Burleigh Beach and my usual hike around the headland.

Burleigh Heads is one of the glorious Gold Coast beaches in Queensland, known for its tall majestic pine trees and great surf break.  Visitors find the trendy village atmosphere unique.

As I make my way around the headland, through the lush canopy of trees and shrubs, I come to an opening where I can gaze out over the ocean, back towards the beach.  Many surfers are catching waves.  There are a few boogie boards and the occasional brave body surfer.  I keep walking, quickening my pace, anticipating a cool swim in Tallebudega creek, a spectacular safe swimming spot at the end of my hike.   I pass other happy people, some jogging, others walking;  they all smile.  Finally, after shedding my t-shirt, shorts, and joggers, I plunge headfirst into the cool blue water. The water here is so clear I can see the bottom where tiny fish are swimming around.  This is my haven, my special place.

After my hike and swim, I decide to grab a coffee at one of the little cafes, sit down and watch the surfers.  As I sit there, I start to realise how lucky I am to be back home in Australia.  Several young, beautiful people pass by.  One girl in particular, probably only seventeen, with long dark hair, smiles at me.  I smile back.  I don’t know why, but something about her reminds me of myself, maybe the sparking green eyes that shine in the sunlight.  She is a picture of good health, and that is what I’ve always strived for.  My commitment to eating healthy was only equalled by my desire for cocaine, a habit I picked up whilst living in Los Angeles for two decades.  The US has always been my second home.

Sipping my coffee, I contemplated maybe it was time to share my journey with my family.  Could I do it?  Could I lay bare everything that had happened.  What would they think?

I finished my coffee, and suddenly feeling brave, I spoke out loud to myself, “Yes!  I’m going to start at the beginning and tell it as it was.”


Jennifer Learmont was born in a little town called Wagga Wagga in New South Wales, Australia, but grew up in Sydney, Australia.  She attended a variety of schools since her family moved here and there while she was growing up. Jennifer credits her mother, who was an opera singer, a concert pianist and very educated woman for her education.  “She was my teacher,” remarks the author.  Jennifer Learmont  maintains her home in Australia today.

Author Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYiaX-GJ8lG/


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